Two classic Cadinot films, La Maison Bleue and Crash Toujours. A busy house of ill repute where the customers spend without counting, and a military hospital where the medical examinations are very thorough. La Maison Bleue Release: 1992 Duration: 70 minutes In every room of the Maison Bleue, nine customers pay to spend a great time with the five resident boys, experts in virile and refined pleasures. Crash Toujours Release: 1989 Duration: 60 minutes A military infirmery are doing incredibly thorough checks on perfect bodies... men in white who will really put you through your paces... Length and width of cocks, size of balls - everything is checked! Anal cleaning and dilation guaranteed! Seven bronzed stallions in close contact! Everything you've always dreamed about but never dared do!
Director: Jean Daniel Cadinot